The purpose of this professional learning module is to explore how PLCs can be
strengthened by using data to support student learning. The goals of this professional learning module is that educators will understand and embrace the three big ideas that drive the work of an effective PLC:
A Collaborative Culture, A Results Orientation, and A Focus on Learning.
Educators will develop the shared roles, responsibilities, and relationships within a PLC.
Educators will be able to establish and measure the success of SMART goals that align with school and district goals.
Educators will be able to answer the following four critical questions:
What do we want our students to learn?
How do we know if they have learned it?
How do we respond when some students don't learn?
How will we extend the learning for students who have demonstrated proficiency?
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Collaboration, Data-Driven Conversations, Results Orientation, SMART Goals