Purpose: Explore how PLCs can be strengthened by using data to support student learning.
Goal: Educators will understand and embrace the three big ideas that drive the work of an effective PLC:
A Collaborative Culture
A Results Orientation
A Focus on Learning
Challenge: In the challenge, you viewed the difficulties Jane faced when initiating data-focused meetings and reflected on how PLCs could be stregthened using data-driven conversations about student learning.
Initial Thoughts required you to reflect on the following questions:
What is the purpose of a PLC?
How do the goals of your PLC align with the mission, vision, and goals of the school?
How does your PLC team utilize data to guide instructional practices?
What struggles have you observed when discussing and using data to support student learning?
What strategies can a PLC team implement to embed more effective dialogue concerning data?
Have any of your responses changed? If so, why?
Perspectives & Resources: You learned about the three big ideas encompassed by a data-driven PLC. These three big ideas include:
A Collaborative Culture
A Results Orientation
A Focus on Learning
Next, you will complete an assessment in order to reflect on your knowledge pertaining to data-driven PLCs.